In almost everything we do, we find a shortcut to make the process easier and faster. After we develop these shortcuts, they become work habits in our daily activities and eventually tend to become part of us. Developing everyday Safety
Habits can keep us and others injury-free throughout the year and even our life time. Here are some safety habits, popularly known as the Ten Commandments of Safety to live by.
1)    Set your own standards:
Do not be influenced by others around you who are negative. If you fail to wear safety boot for example because others do not, remember the fracture or wound you may suffer will be yours, not others. If an establishment
where you work has a set rules and regulations relating to its activities, do not circumvent those rules. Every industry has Standards and Safe Work Practices, which are communicated industry-wide, learn and comply with these.
2)   Operate equipment only if qualified:
Your supervisor may not realise that you have never done a particular job before. You have the responsibility to let
your supervisor know, so that necessary guidelines can be given. Do not take chances to impress your boss or colleagues, you could in the process expose your self and the entire facility to extreme risks.
3)   Respect Machinery:
If you put something in a machine’s way, it will crush it or cut it. Make sure you know how the machine works. Never hurry beyond your ability to think and act safely. Remember to switch off the machine before you put your hands in a point of operation. Do not remove guards or bypass safety measures.
4)   Use your own initiative for safety protection:
You are in the best position to see problems when they arise. Ask for additional personal protective equipment or additional guidance or manpower you need. Typically, do not play the hero.
5)   Ask questions:
If you do not know something, asks a qualified person. Do not offer or accept answers that contain “I think, I guess, I presume”. Be sure of what you do. Expose yourself to as many trainings as possible both on and off the job. Undertake any training scheduled for you by the company.
6)   Use care and caution while lifting: Most muscle and spinal injuries are from overstrain. Know your power and limits. Do not attempt to exceed them. The few minutes it takes to get help will prevent weeks of being off work and in pain. Deploy mechanical lifting equipment for loads you observe are heavy or beyond your capability. cranes, forklifts, etc are meant to provide support for heavy loads
7)   Practice good housekeeping:
Disorganised work and workplaces are all breeding grounds for accidents. You may not be the only victim, Do not be the cause for accidents. anything that could cause trip, slip or fall should be removed, Cords, spills, unclosed drawers are all hazards with devastating consequences.
8)   Wear proper and sensible work clothes:
Wear sturdy and appropriate footwear. These should enclose the foot fully. Avoid loose clothing, dangling jewellery,
protruding tools from pockets etc. In a nutshell, be sure the use adequate Personal Protective Equipment for the job, if not satisfied, approach your supervisor or management.
9)   Practice good personal cleanliness: Avoid touching eyes, face and mouth with dirty gloves and dirty hands. Wash well before touching parts of your body and before eating. Most skin rashes and other skin diseases are caused due to poor personal hygiene. We must always remember to wash hands properly after visit to loo or exposure to chemicals and dirt.
10) Be positive part of the safety team:
Willingly accept and follow safety rules. Encourage others to do so. Your attitude can play a major role in prevention of injuries and accidents.
Someone who knew and understood the implications of neglecting safety wrote these Ten Commandments. Follow them and be alive to tell others. It’s better to be careful 100 times than to be killed once.”

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